Work In Progress – „Language Gate“

S02 E003 — Work in progress — 13. feb 2021

Host: Paula Gould

Guests: Kathryn Gunnarsson, Phoenix Ramos Proppé and Miriam Petra Ómarsdóttir Awad, with Jeffrey Guarino and Laufey Ólafsdóttir.

The language blame game; how does language start a fire that blinds accomplishment?

– The op-eds that falsified three times the charm

– Are immigrants the torch bearers of the Icelandic language?

– Prejudice in Iceland/ Being Icelandic enough in the eye of who? Does Iceland want diversity or numbers?

– Are the ideas to measure diversity and inclusivity being used for numbers and not to implement action?

– Foreigners being drilled by Icelandic society to be enough when their Icelandic counterparts are not being demanded the same. The sense of belonging

-What does it mean to be Iceland from micro to macro-level?

– How does the Icelandic measurement of belonging deny one’s experiences?

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